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Explore a featured selection of my personal writing below.

Nostalgia Worth Taking Notice Of

It’s spring break week and I am on staycation with my 12 year old son. In an attempt to get him out of the house and away from video games, he opted for rollerblading. We found a roller rink a few miles from home and decided to give it a try. The woman behind the desk described it as the largest roller rink in the state of Georgia. I, however, was not impressed by this as I am from New York and have occupied many a roller rink during my pre-teen years. It was your typical roller rink from what I

Always Sign the Card

I haven’t always had the closest relationship with my Dad and we haven’t always had strong father/daughter moments other than yelling matches from time to time. There is one thing though that sticks out for me and that is, every birthday, anniversary, or any other occasion that calls for a card; he makes sure he signs it himself. It may seem like a small thing to some, but to me, it’s how he shows he cares. He could very easily just tell my mother to add “dad” along with her signature but that’s

The Disappearance of Fear

I can honestly say I was an extremely fearful person throughout most of my life. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of not being able to do something. At some point that fear disappeared, and for the life of me, I don’t know how I missed it! It makes me wonder, does this happen to everyone? Does fear dissipate with age? I’m 46 now, more than half way through life (no shame here)! Maybe you outgrow fear. I thought it was the other way around. Kids seem to have no fear. They tell it like i

Featured Published Articles for Training Magazine

Workin’ It Around the Circuit

Based on my recent experience, circuit training is all the rage—and I don’t mean gym workouts. Although, if you think about it, for those who are not crazy about working out, circuit training at the gym allows you to get through a workout at a fast pace and not be bored. And it works out multiple muscles.

If you bring that same mentality into the world of learning and development, you get the same result. And if you do it enough, you create “muscle” memory—in this case, the muscle being your br

The Human Touch

The virtual learning craze has taken over. It’s completely understandable seeing as how it can be more affordable for businesses to run with virtual and/or self-directed learning. In addition, many businesses are attracting the Millennial and “Z” generations into the workforce. But what happens when the human connection no longer exists in the world of Learning and Development?

Business is about connecting with people. If you are dealing with people on any level, customers or co-workers, you mu

It Takes a Village

I often wonder how it can possibly benefit any professional organization when teams that should be working together end up placing blame instead. More often than not, we focus on what’s broken and point fingers instead of coming together to find a solution that would mutually benefit all involved. The problem is that those affected the most are the employees and the customers they serve. It’s about time that Training and management took ego out of the equation and worked in tandem.

I would assu

Moving the Needle: How to “Not” Fight Resistance Toward

Agility—the ability to move quickly and easily. This word comes up often within the world of Learning and Development, but the question remains: Are you truly an agile player when it counts? The next question you may ask yourself is: When does it count? The answer to that question is: All the time. Change is inevitable, and not everyone is going to be on board when changes occur, so you either find your agility while in the game or graciously bow out.

As a trainer, you support an organization,